Monday, September 12, 2011


So recently I've been entirely hooked to this site called . It's this website where people can rate and comment on books, share book recommendations, write reviews, and any other activities, book-related.

My friend Ndari told me about goodreads, and I'm really glad she did, cause I'm loving the website right now. There are so many things you can explore on the website. You can find thousands of books in the website, and categorize them as "read", "to-read", or "currently reading". You can enroll yourself in topic discussions about books. You can play trivias and challenging quizzes about books you've read. You can set your goal on the number of books you wish to read in a year by joining the "Reading Challenge". You can even go through precious book quotes, and write your own story(ies) in the creative writing section!

There are just so many books you can find on the website. Alice Sebold, Rick Riordan, Mary Higgins Clark, Alexander McCall-Smith, just everyone you can think of. I find this website remarkable and irresistible.

I have only been a member of goodreads for about a week, but I love it. I recommend goodreads strongly to anyone who loves reading, and have appreciation for literature. I think this website is an amazing way for the reading community to connect and express their inner love for not only reading, but also writing literature.

So, if you love reading, then you should check out !


P.S. I wrote this post about goodreads to promote the website on my own behalf. I wrote this purely because I love the website and I want to share about goodreads to other people.